Tuesday, September 8, 2009


After a long, and sometimes painful, wait, we have some very exciting news to share.  

Here is a photo of our little one at 13 weeks, taken this morning.  I will post the rest tomorrow. 
The sight of a new heart beating filled me with the unexpected feeling of certainty.  For many years, the right time seemed so distant tainted by the anticipation of the demands a new life would bring.  But when the time came, all fears dissipated.  What seemed a prerequisite (job security, a college fund, and the like) soon took the backstage, surpassed by a stronger, primal imperative:  l’élan vital. 


~Rachel~ said...

Ooooh... you're both just so... crafty! :)


Libby A. said...

I have so much love already for this little one! I love you guys...we want more! lol.

Libby A. said...
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Libby A. said...

Ok, Ummm title change? Malgados SIX :)

Kimberly Long Cockroft said...

FANTASTIC NEWS!!!! You're about to embark on the most rewarding, bewildering, amazing journey ever. Really, seriously, what a blessed thing for you. You will never be able to conceive of that little one never BEING now that she is here with you.

Speaking of which. . .one of those little Beings is launching on my lap now wanting a book.

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!!!

MichelleOrtega said...

Your Blog is very cool. Congrats on you new baby comming.
